Sunday, 18 March 2012

Brandon Mull's: Seeds of Rebellion Book Review

I, as of today have just finished the third book in the Beyonders trilogy! called, Seeds Of  Rebellion.
having read the first book, which was fairly slow, I was pleasantly surprised to find a much more morbid and suspenseful sequel, skillfully describing Jason's surrounding scenery.
this second instalment of the Beyonders trilogy had creative and original characters with varying abilities and personal backgrounds, while some characters decisions where unbelievable, it was still a very smooth read.

What to expect?
  • Magic, and burning body remains
  • A nice moderate paced plot
  • Brand new faces and characters
  • A book very different from Fablehaven 
  • Bonus Material at the end!

Book Rating: A-
Why?- Athough the characters where original and creative, I found myself disappointed, in that the development and background story to the characters were not even, some characters would have many paragraphs of background, and some would have less than a fleeting glace.

Trilogy Information
At the very end of Seeds Of Rebellion, Brandon mull offered some very enticing hints about the future of Jason, as well as more info on his other series. here is a short summary of the important info.
  1. The third and final book to the Beyonder Trilogy will be released in spring 2013,                                It will be called: Chasing the Prophecy
  2. There WILL be a sequel to the candy shop war, called : The Arcade Catastrophe 
  3. The Arcade Catastrophe will be released BETWEEN Beyonders 2 book and  3
  4. Brandon Mull will start a brand new series AFTER the Beyonders.
To find out more about the Beyonders go to