Sunday, 4 November 2012

Derek Landy Writes Tanith Low Novella!

Derek Landy is writing a short story novella, including our beloved *and wee bit possesed* Tanith Low!
So for all you guys at you got your wish!
Here's what Derek Landy had to say about his brand new novella:
"So what IS it about, you ask?
It's about God-Killer weapons. Four of them, scattered around the world. Four weapons that could hurt- even kill- Darquesse whenever she arrives. Tanith, being thoroughly devoted to dear Darquesse, does not want these weapons falling into enemy hands. So she recruits a gang of misfits and villains and off she goes to snatch them before the good guys come calling."- Derek's ;Blog
More Info coming soon, so stay tuned!

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